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IUCr sponsorship to assist young scientists

09/06/2015 14:48

I have pleasure informing you that the IUCr sponsorship for the 3rd ECRISLA has been granted, together with USD 5,000 to assist young scientists to attend. Additionally, the IUCr will pay the travel (economy) and insurance costs for three Visiting Professors (the organizers will be responsible for their accommodation and subsistence expenses).

Terms of offer

  • No registration fee will be provided for recipients of the Young Scientist Awards.
  • Preference will be given to those young scientists who have published in IUCr journals.
  • Preference will be given to young scientists with a crystallographic background.
  • Awards for young scientists will be used solely for travel and subsistence expenses.
  • Young scientists are graduate students, post-graduate students or post-doctoral fellows with a maximum age of 30 (exceptionally 35).

The IUCr is a member of the International Council for Science, and adheres to its principles on the free circulation of scientists. See the text of the IUCr about Scientific Freedom Policy Statement.  The IUCr should be informed immediately if any problems arise concerning visas or any other kind of discrimination.

Welcome to ECRISLA 2015 website

02/03/2015 20:35


This school will be dealt with theoretical and practical aspects of crystallization and crystallography methods applied in determining the structure of solid materials. The topics proposed for the School involving all science materials, control and description of industrial crystallization processes, nanotechnology, polymorphism, co-crystallization of active pharmaceutical ingredients and especially tools for structure determination of solids (including amorphous) using data of X-ray diffraction powder. The third school in Crystallization and Crystallography for Latin America (ECRISLA) will feature internationally recognized experts and will be taught at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil.

ECRISLA 2013 website

ECRISLA 2011 website no more avaliable.

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