Digital Certificates available
Access the site and follow the instructions (only portuguese)
Access the site and follow the instructions (only portuguese)
Thanks all Professors and Participants of ECRISLA-2015 for your attention and motivation!
Soon the evaluation form will be available as well as information about how to get your Certificate (in a digital form).
All the best!
See the Official Photos of Module 1 and 2 of ECRISLA- 2015
Congratulations to all participants, you were key components in this achievement. See official photo here
Confirmada a Van para levar o participantes de ECRISLA 2015 da UFSC até a Casa de Retiros nos módulos 1 e 2 da ECRISLA 2015, à partir do dia 07 de dez
Local de saída: estacionamento do BANCO DO BRASIL (R. Delfino Conti, 306 – Trindade)
Horarios de saida 08h em ponto.
(EMPRESA VANGUARDA, Sr. Weslei – motorista)
FAVOR chegar uns minutos ANTES DAS 08:00 no local.
Se quiser envie seu n.o de celular para entrar no grupo da ECRISLA2015 no whatsapp.
See at “Event Location” more information to get the Retreat House “Vila Fatima” departing from the Airport and the Florianópolis Bus station. Do not hesitate to send e-mail if they need more information.
Thank all that did Registrations for ECRISLA 2015. The school had an amazing repercussion on scientific community. We are waiting for 47 participants from 5 Latin American countries (Brasil, Argentina, Costa Rica, Peru, Colombia), about 35 in Module 1 and 31 in Module 2.
This website will be update to include some tips about poster format, how to reach the site of the event “Casa de Retiros Vila Fátima”, fine adjusts in the programme, etc. But don’t hesitate to send a e-mail if you have further questions.
See all you next December.
ECRISLA 2015 team
Please find the registration form in the left navigation bar. It is noteworthy that the entries are free and places are limited.
ECRISLA was one of the six projects approved by CAPES in the program of Schools on Advanced Studies of 2015.
we are pleased to inform you that the International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD) has approved the amount of $1,000 to support student and young scientist participation in ECRISLA 2015. Soon we hope to open registrations and include this opportunity of support to people that fit in the profile desired by ICDD.