Event Location


Thinking about strengthening the relationship between the participants, the Organizing Committee planned to hold the 3rd school edition in Vila Fatima Retreat House, a very nice place that has nature as highlight. The site is located in an area of environmental preservation, between the sea and the forest, on the beach of Morro das Pedras, in the south of the island of Florianópolis, near the Lagoa do Peri. The apartments are simple, with suite, twin beds, wardrobes and desks, and ecological principles and care for nature, do not have a fridge and TV, but all have ceiling fans and / or air conditioning and Wi-Fi. site has also, in several collective rooms, some with open and SKY TV, as well as other facilities. Learn more about where www.casaderetiros.com.br.

How to reach the location

by Taxi

(22 to 35 minutes with normal traffic) Fees R$ 50,00 (cinquenta reais) about Us$ 15 fifteen Amercian dolars), from Airport or Bus Terminal (Rodoviária) Florianópolis

by Car

(22 to 35 minutes with normal traffic)

CasaRetiro_Aerop_carro CasaRetiro_Rodov_carro

by Public Transportation: Buses

(50 to 70 minutes with normal traffic)
The shift by the public transportation system in Florianopolis is through integration terminals (TI). The Center Integration Terminal – TICEN is approximately 150 meters from the bus station (rodoviária). To get the Retreat House must first reach the TI Rio Tavares (TIRIO). From TICEN to TIRIO has departs every 15 minutes and the trip is 12 km. For who comes from Hecílo Luz Airpor the option is AEROPORTO – TIRIO (468) bus line, the trip is 14 km. The bus lines 466 (Trevo do Erasmo), 490 (Interpraias Sul), 562 (Costa de Cima) and 564 (Pântano do Sul) goes from TIRIO to Retreat House “Vila Fatima” (Rodovia SC 406, nº 2210 district Morro das Pedras). The fees are R$ 3,10 (less than one dolar) for who has no card of “SIM – Sistema Integrado de Mobilidade”. There are Executive bus lines, for exemple from TIRIO (bus line ED4120) to Retreat House “Vila Fatima” it cost R$ 6,00. The main of Florianópolis (Prefeitura Municipal de Florianópolis) has a service to consult the buses schecules, fro that click here.

casa Retiros Vila Fatima
See the Interactive Map here.
We invite you to participate in this important event and to enjoy the beauties of Florianópolis.
We count on you!