The ECRISLA is in its third edition, taking place every two years. It is intended, in 2015, to continue promoting and disseminating the development of research, education and applications of these areas at the state, national and international. The school also offers the opportunity to exchange research and establishment of collaborative projects. It is noteworthy that previous editions of ECRISLA have provided at least four students at UFSC, especially of Pharmacy, realize their doctoral stages sandwich with researchers who gave courses and lectures at school, and two, Materials Engineering, are conducting Ph.D. full abroad, also a researcher who taught course in school. It was also the project of establishment supported by CAPES (Special Guest Researcher Program / Science without Borders) with a researcher in the area of pharmaceutical cocrystals, Prof. Nair Rodriguez-Hornedo (University of Michigan), which participated in the first edition. Currently two students are performing sandwich doctorate under the supervision of Prof. Nair. In addition to mediate this exchange, the school contributes to improving the quality of publications, the inclusion of techniques and tools that are presented by the researchers, and the inclusion of innovative methods of crystallization / processing that allow the achievement of more effective and cheap products, contributing to the scientific, technological and innovation in the state of Santa Catarina and Brazil. It is noteworthy also that key international scientific organizations such as the International Union of Crystallography (IUCR) and the International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD) have supported the event, and the IUCR has announced the completion of ECRISLA on your page ( http://www.iucr.org/calendar/events/types/schools), expanding the school’s visibility, UFSC and the state of Santa Catarina. In Brazil, the event is being supported by CAPES, through the School for Advanced Studies and CNPq.

ECRISLA 2013 website