

Nombres confirmados hasta el momento:

Dario Braga 

Professor of Department of Chemistry «Giacomo Ciamician», University of Bologna – Italy (

Fabrizia Grepioni

Professor of Department of Chemistry «Giacomo Ciamician», University of Bologna – Italy (

Norberto Masciocchi

Professor of Department of Science and High Technology, University of Insubria – Italy (

Antonella Guagliardi

Researcher of the «Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; Istituto di Cristallografia» – Italy (

Simon J.L. Billinge

Professor of Materials Science and Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics at Columbia University and Physicist at Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Department of Brookhaven National Laboratory – USA (

Richard I. Cooper

Head of Chemical Crystallography and Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford – UK. (

Silvia L. Cuffini

Institute of Science and Technology – UNIFESP – Brazil

Helvécio Rocha

Laboratório de Sistemas Farmacêuticos Avançados (LaSiFA). Vice-Diretoria de Ensino, Pesquisa e Inovação – Farmanguinhos – FIOCRUZ