The third edition will be held between 07 to 11 December 2015 (module I on Crystallization) and from 14 to 18 December (module II on Crystallography). Registrations will take place from 03rd September until 05th November. We have space for poster exhibition of works of participants in areas that deal with the event or even for exposure scientific problems who wish to solve with the lessons learned in ECRISLA 2015. Specific instructions abstracts submission will be sent to those who express interest via the form subscription.
It is noteworthy that the entries are free and places are limited. However the applications will be confirmed only after receiving of 50% of logistic costs. There are the 6 logistic options to attend ECRISLA, those which includes accommodation are considering double rooms with private bathrooms and full-board includes three meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and two “coffee breaks”:
1) 05 days of room and board for Module 1 (50% in advance = R$ 350,00)
2) 05 days of room and board for Module 1 (50% in advance = R$ 350,00)
3) 13 days of room and board for Modules 1 and 2 (50% in advance = R$ 910,00)
4) Day Use with lunch for Module 1 (50% in advance = R$ 125,00)
5) Day Use with lunch for Module 2 (50% in advance = R$ 125,00)
6) Day Use with lunch for Modules 1 and 2 (50% in advance = R$ 250,00)
Associação Antônio Vieira – Casa de Retiros Vila Fátima
CNPJ 92 959 006 /0015-04
HSBC Agency: 0134 Account Number: 07700-80
PROOF OF DEPOSIT MUST BE SENT TO “carlos.campos@ufsc.br” WITH THE SUBJECT: “ECRISLA 2015 – proof of registration”
We got IUCr and ICDD funds to help Latin American students (out of Brazil) to attend ECRISLA 2015. So we hope cover the other 50% of logistic costs of maximum number of participants possible. Unfortunately this information we will have just after end of registration procedure in 05th November.